Autism After 21: An Invisible Story Worth Telling

Great stories deserve to be told…Hidden stories deserve to be revealed.


Consider: Kids with autism grow up to be adults with autism.

1 in 59 children has autism spectrum disorder. Thanks to ongoing awareness and advocacy efforts, a growing amount of services are being made available to these children. In the coming decade, more than half a million of these children become young adults who continue to struggle with autism. At the age of 21, federally mandated services stop being provided, leaving them to face the challenges related to housing, employment, and social engagement alone.

This invisible story is worth telling.


In the midst of Autism Awareness Month, Madison House Autism Foundation hosted their Autism After 21 event. Madison House provides hope, guidance, and effective solutions to help adults with autism and their families.

Datastory was privileged to reveal the broader story of autism in America, and to tell the story of Madison Fields, a premiere community-based agricultural resource center where people of all ability can access opportunities for vocational training, employment, education, recreation and healing.

Click here to discover their story.


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